{ // The following shared common variables are automatically set below and available for your use: // kPeriod -- e.g. "lhc15o" // kColType -- "pp", "pPb", or "PbPb" // kMC -- kTRUE if MC // kIsRun2 -- kTRUE if Run2 // kTrackPtCut -- 0.15 // kClusPtCut -- 0.3 // kGhostArea -- 0.005 // kComPhysSel -- AliVEvent::kAny /*************************************/ // Automatically set shared common variables. std::vector tempVariables = AliPWGJETrainHelpers::ExtractAliEnProductionValuesForLEGOTrain(); // Assign them to their final global variables. const char* kPeriod = tempVariables.at(0).c_str(); const char* kColType = tempVariables.at(1).c_str(); const bool kMC = (tempVariables.at(2) == "true" ? true : false); const bool kIsRun2 = (tempVariables.at(3) == "true" ? true : false); // Common settings const Double_t kClusPtCut = 0.30; const Double_t kTrackPtCut = 0.15; const Double_t kGhostArea = 0.005; const UInt_t kComPhysSel = AliVEvent::kAny; // For use only in old embedding framework to set pT hard bin Int_t kPtHardBin = 5; Double_t kPtHardBinsScaling[11] = {0, 0, 3.27317e-05, 2.57606e-06, 2.5248e-07, 2.92483e-08, 4.15631e-09, 6.6079e-10, 1.49042e-10, 3.5571e-11, 1.29474e-11}; for(Int_t i =1; i<11; i++) kPtHardBinsScaling[i] = 0; kPtHardBinsScaling[kPtHardBin] = 1; /*************************************/ // Some definitions for Ruediger (TEMPORARY EXCEPTION -- DON'T DEFINE PERSONAL GLOBAL VARIABLES) // ### Settings Double_t kRHTrackPtCut =0.15; Double_t kRHMinLeadingHadronPt = 0.15; // leading track bias Double_t kRHTrackEfficiency = 1.0;//1.0; Double_t kRHTrackEfficiencyPY = 1.0; Double_t kRHTriggerTrackMinPt = 8; Double_t kRHTriggerTrackMaxPt = 12; Bool_t kRHExportEventPool = kFALSE; Bool_t kRHUseEfficiencyMaps = kTRUE; Double_t kRHJetRadius = 0.2; Double_t kRHMaxLeadingHadronPt = 100.; UInt_t kPhysSelRH = AliVEvent::kMB + AliVEvent::kSemiCentral + AliVEvent::kCentral; kPhysSelRH = AliVEvent::kINT7; /*************************************/ kPeriod = "lhc11h"; const char* kTrackCuts = "Hybrid_LHC11h"; const char* kDatatype = "AOD"; const char* pass = "pass2"; TString kOrigClusName = "caloClusters"; TString kEMCALCellsName="emcalCells"; TString kInTracksName = "AODFilterTracks"; AliTrackContainer::SetDefTrackCutsPeriod("lhc11h"); Double_t kHolePos=0; Double_t kHoleWidth=0; Int_t kSemigoodRun=0; Int_t kNpTHardBins = 11; TString kPYTHIAPath = "alien:///alice/sim/2012/LHC12a15e_fix/%d/%d/AOD149/%04d/AliAOD.root"; Int_t nAODFiles=140; //Double_t kPtHardBinsScaling[11] = {0, 0, 3.27317e-05, 2.57606e-06, 2.5248e-07, 2.92483e-08, 4.15631e-09, 6.6079e-10, 1.49042e-10, 3.5571e-11, 1.29474e-11}; TF1* srhomfunc = new TF1("srhomfunc","[0]*x*x+[1]*x+[2]",-1,100); srhomfunc->SetParameter(2, 1.68354); srhomfunc->SetParameter(1, -2.86991e-03); srhomfunc->SetParameter(0, -1.49981e-05); TF1* sfunc = new TF1("sfunc","[0]*x*x+[1]*x+[2]",-1,100); sfunc->SetParameter(2, 1.76458); sfunc->SetParameter(1, -0.0111656); sfunc->SetParameter(0, 0.000107296); }